Unkomplizierte und preiswerte Fernumzüge in Basel

Wir sind Spezialisten in Sachen Umzug für Basel-Allschwil: Ob innerhalb einer Stadt, in die Ferne oder ins europäische Ausland – das Umzugsunternehmen für Basel-Allschwil unterstützt Sie bei Ihrem Umzug.


Zuverlässigkeit und Pünktlichkeit zeichnen uns aus. Gehören auch Sie zu unseren zufriedenen Kunden.

faire Preise

Wir bieten faire und transparente Preise. Gerne unterbreiten wir Ihnen ein unverbindliches Angebot.

kostenlose Besichtigung

Die Besichtigung ist natürlich kostenlos. Anschließend erhalten Sie ein Festpreis-Angebot für Ihren Umzug.

kostenlose Besichtigung

Die Besichtigung ist natürlich kostenlos. Anschließend erhalten Sie ein Festpreis-Angebot für Ihren Umzug.

Fernumzug in Basel

Suchen Sie nach einem Umzugsunternehmen für Fernumzüge in Basel?

Dann sind Sie hier richtig. Wir sind Experten für professionelle Fernumzüge. Um Ihnen Ihr Vorhaben etwas zu erleichtern, bekommen Sie bei uns auf Wunsch eine ausführliche Beratung, damit Sie wissen, auf was Sie alles achten sollten. Nehmen Sie noch heute mit uns Kontakt auf, wir unterbreiten Ihnen gerne einen unverbindlichen Kostenvoranschlag.

Ihr Partner für einen Fernumzug von und nach Basel

Auf unserer Route stehen alle größeren Städte innerhalb der Schweiz. Unser Team von Classic Umzüge in Basel bietet Ihnen beispielsweise die Strecke von Basel nach Zürich, Bern, Luzern oder Genf an. Selbstverständlich stehen wir Ihnen auch für Rücktransporte oder Abholungen zur Verfügung. Wenn Sie also von Basel aus in irgendeine Stadt innerhalb Deutschlands umziehen möchten, dann können Sie sich auf uns verlassen.

Ein Fernumzug innerhalb Europas

Falls bei Ihnen ein Umzug über die deutschen Grenzen hinaus ansteht, dann sind wir Ihr zuverlässiger Partner mit langjähriger Erfahrung. Wir fahren alle Ziele innerhalb Europas an und kümmern uns auch um die Details. Ihr Umzugsgut ist bei uns sicher, auch wenn es in Richtung Übersee gehen sollte. Für diesen Fall stehen unserem Team verlässliche Partnerbetriebe zur Verfügung. Wir erledigen fachgerecht die vielen Kleinigkeiten, die bei Ihrem Fernumzug anfallen.

Optimale Organisation für Transporte und Beiladungen

Wenn Sie eine bestimmte Ladung von einem Ort zu einem anderen transportieren müssen, dann erledigen wir das für Sie. Dabei spielt die Menge des Transportgutes keine Rolle. Ihre Beladungen oder Sammeltransporte sind bei uns in guten Händen. Profitieren Sie von unserm etablierten Partnernetzwerk, denn hier wird Zuverlässigkeit großgeschrieben.

Abrechnung mit Arbeitgeber und Behörden

Zu unserem Service gehört die vorschriftsmäßige Abrechnung unserer Leistungen. Falls Behörden wie Arbeits- oder Sozialämter involviert sind, nehmen wir mit den zuständigen Beamten Kontakt auf und rechnen dann direkt ab. Falls sich Ihr Arbeitgeber an den Umzugskosten beteiligt, erstellen wir selbstverständlich eine Abrechnung. Wir sorgen dafür, dass alles reibungslos verläuft, denn ein Umzug ist schon stressig genug.

Fernumzug Basel – unsere Leistungen auf einen Blick:

Nahumzug, Fernumzug (Europa und weltweit) .unverbindliche Beratung auch vor Ort.professioneller Packservice. zuverlässige Demontage und Montage von Küchen und anderen Möbeln. praktisches Umzugszubehör (Kaufen oder mieten). Zwischenlagerung von Umzugsgut. Grundreinigung der alten Wohnung (optional). wir besorgen den richtigen Handwerker (z.B. Elektriker, Schreiner), falls notwendig. spezieller Seniorenumzug. Stressfrei von Anfang an. Hier wird besondere Sorgfalt angewandt, damit der Umzug so stressfrei und behutsam wie nur möglich abläuft.geschultes und freundliches Personal. Gewissenhaftigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit gehören zu den obersten Prinzipien unseres Unternehmens. Unser Bestreben ist es, Ihnen ein faires Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis zu bieten, ohne dabei Abstriche beim Service zu machen. Für den ersten Kontakt nutzen Sie gerne unser praktisches Anfrageformular. Wir freuen uns auf Sie.

Umzüge und Transporte in Basel

Büro-, Geschäfts- und Firmenumzüge

Die Umzugsservice Classic Umzüge bietet ihren Service nicht nur für den privaten Umzug an, sondern auch für Geschäftskunden in Basel und Umgebung. Wir planen gemeinsam mit Ihnen Firmenumzüge und Seniorenumzug. Diese können zeitnah und termingerecht durchgeführt werden. Sämtliche Leistungen wie Packservice, Transport, Aufbau und Montage werden von uns übernommen. So können die Büro- und Geschäftsräume schnell eröffnet werden.

Wohnungsauflösungen, Entrümpelungen und Entsorgungen

Auf Wunsch übernimmt das Umzugsunternehmen Classic Umzüge in Basel und Umgebung auch Haushaltsauflösungen. Dabei besorgen wir die Zwischenlagerung von Möbeln oder auch die fachgerechte Entsorgung. Die alte Wohnung wird grundgereinigt und im besenreinen Zustand übergeben.

Transporte und Beiladungen

Auch bei kleinen Mengen können wir Ihre Ladung sicher, günstig und flexibel von A nach B bringen. Dies erfolgt in Form von Sammeltransporten und Beiladungen. Außerdem sorgt ein dichtes Partnernetzwerk dafür, dass Ladungen überall pünktlich und zuverlässig am Zielort ankommen.

Stressfreier und flexibler Umzug mit dem Umzugsunternehmen Classic Umzüge

Das Umzugsunternehmen Classic Umzüge führt Umzüge (Groß oder Kleintransporte und Möbeltransporte) jeder Art und Größe schnell, flexibel, professionell und gewissenhaft durch. Unsere erfahrenen Mitarbeiter zeichnen sich durch eine zügige, effiziente und dabei umsichtige Arbeitsweise aus. Möbel und Umzugsgut werden nicht nur schonend behandelt, sondern professionell verpackt und gesichert. Gerne berät Sie das Umzugsunternehmen Classic Umzüge bei Ihrem Umzug von und nach Basel. Fragen Sie nach unserem Komplettservice für Privat- und Geschäftsumzüge. Sie erreichen uns per E-Mail, telefonisch oder über das Anfrageformular.

CLASSIC UMZUEGE - Umzugsservice Basel

Unser Umzugsunternehmen in Basel sichert Ihnen den besten Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis

Bekommen Sie jetzt stress- und kostenfrei eine Offerte für Ihr Umzug Basel

Wenn Sie flexible sind, können Sie sogar sparen, indem Sie die Zeiten vermeiden, an denen viele Nachfragen für Umzüge Basel bestehen.

List of things to move : {!relatedTo.Informations_Suppl_mentaires2__c}
Terms and conditions
Terms of payment :
If you have any questions regarding your quote, feel free to contact us.
Copyright {!relatedTo.Company_website__c}.
Untitled Document
General conditions for Removals of {!relatedTo.Genre__c}
Art. 1 Scope of application
All removal orders are executed in accordance with these general conditions for removal of {!relatedTo.Genre__c} as described hereafter, subject however to statutory mandatory provisions.
The general conditions are based on the provisions of the Code of Obligations (CO) The general conditions are a complement to the statutory provisions. Agreements that depart from the general conditions must be concluded in writing.
Art. 2 Generally
The order must include all necessary indications for its correct execution, such as information on regulated goods (for example: dangerous goods) and on those that require special treatment.
The remover shall verify the order thoroughly; he does not however have the obligation to inspect the contents of the containers or the shipments, nor to control the weights or dimensions. If the remover notices that the order contains imprecise information, he shall clear the issue with the client as soon as possible.
The remaining unused volume of the unit of transport is at the remover’s disposal. The latter is entitled to entrust another remover with the execution of the order.
Art. 3 Carrying out of the transport in general
Any order of removal requires the possibility of its execution in normal conditions; the main roads, as well as the streets and accesses to buildings where loading and unloading will take place must be accessible to the removal vehicles.
Where there is a garden or other obstacles of the same type, normal access requires a maximum distance of 15 meters between the vehicle and the building entrance. Corridors, stairs, etc. must allow transport without difficulty. Moreover, official regulations must allow the process of removal as planned.
In all other cases, the price of removal is increased to take the additional work into account.
Art. 4 Obligations of the remover
The remover shall provide the necessary means of transport for the execution of the order in due time. He shall execute the order according to the contract and with the required diligence. The delivery of goods at the place of destination must be carried out as soon as the transport vehicle is made available, or at the time agreed by the parties.
Art. 5 Obligations of the client
The client shall make sure the goods are properly packed. He shall provide the remover in due time with precise indications as to the address of the consignee, the place of delivery and the local context.
The client shall draw the remover’s attention on the specific characteristics of the goods and on the damages that they could suffer.
The client shall make sure that the transport, loading and unloading can start at the agreed time, respectively as soon as the removal vehicles are available. Failing an agreement to the contrary, it is the client’s duty to provide all documents and authorisations, and to take any traffic organization mesure necessary for the execution of the transport.
The client shall produce a truthful inventory of the goods to be removed. He is entirely liable for the accuracy of such document towards the remover, as well as towards the rail transport companies and the customs or other authorities. Failing any indication in this regard, the remover is entitled to consider the goods to be transported as used personal belongings.
The client shall provide all documents required by customs and is liable for their accuracy. He is also liable for all consequences resulting from the absence, the delayed delivery, the incompleteness or inaccuracy of such documents. He shall reimburse to the remover all costs resulting from customs clearing of the goods to be removed. The price of customs clearing is based on the assumption that the operations will occur normally. The remover shall be paid for prolonged waiting at the customs and specific negotiations with the competent authorities. The remover has no obligation to advance transport costs, customs duties or other fees. He can request advances from the client in the currency of such costs. If the remover advances an amount of money, he is entitled to

a commission, to interest on the amount advanced and to fair compensation for any exchange loss.
All additional work and costs resulting from the delayed reception by the client of the goods removed are to be borne by him. If unloading cannot start after a period of two hours, the remover is entitled to unload the goods transported in a warehouse; the costs and risks resulting therefrom shall be borne by the client. In such case, the liability of the remover is restricted to the diligent choosing of the warehouse.
Are expressly excluded from transport cash, bearer bonds, including securities as defined by the law on stock exchange, as well as precious metals.
Art. 6 Price
The price is determined by costs or fixed as a lump sum. Failing a specific agreement to the contrary, the following items are not included in the price:
a) the packing and unpacking of the goods to be removed, in particular additional costs resulting from additional packing services rendered on the date of removal by the remover;
b) the transport of packing material delivered or returned through a special trip, as well as its rental or purchase;
c) the assembly or disassembly of complex or new furniture, which requires a long time or the intervention of a specialist;
d) the transport of refrigerators/chests of over 200 litres, upright pianos, grand pianos, safes and other objects weighing over 100 kilos;
e) the taking down and hanging up of paintings, mirrors, clocks, lamps, curtains, special installations, etc.;
f) the additional manipulations of objects whose removal must be carried out through windows or balconies;
g) the premiums of transport insurance;
h) the cost of customs clearing, customs taxes and duties;
i) road taxes, ferryboat costs, and any type of official tax;
j) additional costs and services which the remover deems necessary for the removal, even without specific instruction of the client;
k) additional expenses due to weather conditions or where the removal vehicle cannot have access to its destination because of roadblocks or road works, as well as expenses resulting from the waiting of the removal vehicle and the personnel for which the remover is not liable;
l) other appropriate supplements for the carrying of goods on long or unusual routes, as long as these circumstances have not been taken into account in the price calculation, as well as additional costs due to detours, if the direct ways were barred or impassable;
In accordance with statutory provisions, the taking down and hanging up of lamps and other electrical appliances shall not be carried out by the transport personnel.
Art. 7 Payment
Generally, removals shall be paid cash. Payment takes place before unloading. Transports to a location abroad shall be paid in advance. Art. 8 Change of destination / cancellation
The client is entitled to modify the route of a removal during its execution, so long as he reimburses the costs resulting therefrom to the remover.
The removal can only be cancelled in writing.
Where the cancellation takes place less than 14 days before the planned removal, the client shall pay 30% of the agreed price as a fixed compensation for the costs incurred and the efforts expended. Where the cancellation takes place less than 48 hours before the planned removal, the client shall pay 80% of the agreed price. Moreover, the remover is entitled to compensation for any additional loss that he can prove.
Where the cancellation takes place more than 48 hours before the planned removal, the remover is only entitled to the loss that he can prove.
Art. 9 Right of retention
If the goods are refused or if the costs and other claims due on them remain unpaid, the remover can keep the goods in a warehouse or store them with a third party, all risks and costs being borne by the client. Art. 444, 445 and 451, in particular, are applicable.
In such cases, the remover is entitled to give the client a thirty days notice to pay. Such notice must include the warning that the remover is entitled, failing payment, to realize the goods freely and at the best conditions, without

any further formality (private sale or, in case the goods have no material value, destruction, whichever the remover deems more appropriate).
Art. 10 Liability
The remover is only liable for the damage that obviously results from gross negligence of his employees. Moreover, he shall only be liable if he fails to prove that he has met all his obligations of due diligence so as to avoid such damage, or that the damage would have occurred despite having met said obligations.
The remover’s liability never exceeds that of the transport companies that he hires (rail, shipping and airline companies, post services, etc.).
The remover is only liable for the goods whose packaging meets the requirements of transport. Therefore, fragile objects such as lamps, lampshades, plants, electronic appliances (televisions, computers, etc.) must be packed in an appropriate manner. Where the content of the crates and other containers is damaged, the remover is only liable when the packing and unpacking was carried out by his personnel or by employees that he entrusted with such work. The liability of the remover is in any case restricted to the cost of repair, if such is possible, or to the compensation of the devaluation, excluding any other compensation.
The liability of the remover starts with the admission of the goods and ends generally with the delivery at the location requested by the client, with its storage in a warehouse or with its transfer to another remover. If the remover is instructed to transfer the goods to another transport company, his liability ends with the delivery of the goods to the latter.
The liability of the remover in case of loss or damage is restricted to the usual market value of the goods at the time of the damage or the loss and amounts to a maximum of {!relatedTo.Carbo_Ccy__c} 250.– per cubic metre of the damaged or lost goods. Fractions of cubic metres are compensated proportionally.
The liability of the remover is restricted to {!relatedTo.Carbo_Ccy__c} 25’000.– per event. (Without prejudice of special insurance contracts (Art. 12 below)).
Art. 11 Release of liability
The remover is released from his liability, when the loss or damage is due to the client’s negligence, to an intervention of the latter without the remover’s knowledge, to defects of the goods or to circumstances outside his control.
In case of damages to particularly exposed objects, such as marble, glass, porcelain, stucco, chandeliers, lampshades, radios and televisions, computer hardware, software and data and other fragile items (lamps, animals, etc.), the remover shall be released from his liability, if he has met the usual due diligence obligations in such matters.
The remover is not liable for cash and bearer bonds (Art. 5 par. 7 above). He is not liable for valuable items such as jewellery, documents, objects of art, antiques, and collector’s items.
If a list of such items, with a detailed indication of their value, was remitted to the remover who contracted insurance on such basis, the client is entitled to benefit from that insurance.

The remover is not liable for damage of the goods occurred during loading, unloading or lifting, where the weight or dimensions of the goods are incompatible with the space available at the location of loading or unloading, as long as the remover had previously drawn the client’s or the consignee’s attention on that matter and that the client demanded the execution of the service in spite of such warning. Moreover, the remover is not liable for damage to walls, windows, floors or ramps when the dimensions or weight of the goods to be transported are incompatible with the space available at the location of loading or unloading.
The remover is not liable for damages caused by fire, accidents, wars, strikes, force majeure, nor for damages caused to the transport vehicle by a third party.
The client is not entitled to any compensation if loading or delivery is delayed by a breakdown, an accident, weather conditions or for any reason outside his control.
Failing a previous agreement to the contrary, the remover is not liable for delays where the transport vehicle was placed at the remover’s disposal late or where other companies taking part in the transport do not meet the regulated deadlines. The costs resulting therefrom (parking fees, intermediary storage, etc.) shall be borne by the client. The remover is not liable either for the damages that can occur in such circumstances.
Art. 12 Transport insurance
The remover shall contract insurance on behalf of the client, if he so requests and against payment of the additional costs, to cover the risks of transport. The covering of the breakage risk is subject to the appropriate packing and unpacking by the remover or his employees of the concerned goods. It is the client’s duty to fix the insurance values. Insurance is contracted in any case on basis of the usual terms of the “general conditions for the insurance of goods against the risk of transport” (CGAT), applicable in {!relatedTo.Country_EN__c} to the removal of used objects.
If the client renounces the contracting of insurance, he bears himself the risks for which the remover is not liable according to these general conditions.
Art. 13 Notification of complaints
The client shall inspect the goods transported immediately after their delivery. Any complaint for damages must be made immediately at the time of delivery and be confirmed in writing to the remover within three days after delivery. Any claim for non visible damages must be notified to the remover within three days.
No claim shall be taken into consideration after the expiration of such time-limits.
Art. 14 Legal venue and applicable law
The legal venue for both parties to the removal contract is at the location of the remover’s registered office.
Law in {!relatedTo.Country_EN__c} is applicable.